Social Responsibility

MEGAPOLIS Group of Companies committed to the principles of social responsibility and fully recognizes its obligations to employees and society.


MEGAPOLIS values, develops and supports its employees. The company pays great attention to the safety, social protection and professional development of employees, providing a wide range of intangible motivation. The company accurately and in time pays wages, provides employees with additional health insurance and voluntary insurance against accidents and diseases, provides the opportunity for corporate training. MEGAPOLIS complies with all occupational health and safety. Special attention is paid to safety of employees driving the vehicles of the company.


The company's activity is based on a high degree of corporate social responsibility to society. In 2015, MEGAPOLIS moved from single donations to a well-designed comprehensive strategy to assist various parts of the population. All of the charitable activity of the company is conducted in accordance with the Russian legislation, internal Policy on philanthropy and is significant for the company social sectors: education, health, sports and ecology. MEGAPOLIS has responsible and transparent approach to selection of recipients of charitable aid.